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VR App. Available Today in Apple & Google Play Stores

11/03/17 | 2017

An industry debut… download the Stertil-Koni App. today. Available for Apple & Androids. An ultimate virtual heavy vehicle lifting experience. Never before has it been possible in the vehicle lifting industry to bring the products to you without  having to leave your workshops.

Stertil-Koni introduced the Virtual Reality (VR) workshop at the Autopromotec Show in Bologna, Italy May this year and at APTA Show in Atlanta, USA. An impressive experience into the inner workings of a world class in-ground telescopic piston lift, the DIAMONDLIFT, and a true vertical rise, clear-floor-concept platform lift, the SKYLIFT close-up, above and below ground 360 degree views and even watch the Stertil-Koni Vehicle Lifts films. Unique and personal. You can go wherever you want on your journey through “Stertil-Koni Land”.

Get an impression by clicking on the clips: 


Then, click on the Apps. and get today from your mobile or tablet: