On Friday 12th July 2019, Mr. Arno Brok, the King’s Commissioner in the Province of Friesland, visited Stertil’s headquarters in Kootstertille. CEO Mr. Ulbe Bijlsma presented the Stertil Group strategy and research developments, including the plans for an expansion of the company in Kootstertille.
CvdK Arno Brok (left) with Stertil Group CEO Ulbe Bijlsma
Afterwards, a tour though the production facility, where the production of Stertil-Koni heavy duty lifting solutions takes place and where Stertil Dock Products loading bay equipment is manfucatured.
Innovative company
“Mr. Brok thinks it’s a wonderful company. An innovative company that is active all over the world and based in Kootstertille, a small village in his Province Friesland” said Mr. Bijlsma.
Technical personnel
The availability of technical personnel also was discussed and in particular about recruiting personnel.
“The King's Commissioner found it very endearing that there are participants with a disability among the employees in the cable assembly department”, said Mr. Bijlsma.
Stertil is honoured that Mr. Brok took the time to visit our company.